陈宗武,男,1988年生,湖北五峰人,土家族,特任副教授、硕士生导师、博士后,2019年国家博士后国际交流项目“香江学者计划”及湖北省青年科技“晨光计划”入选者。主要从事与土木工程领域相关的教学及科研工作。 |
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性别:男 |
民族:土家族 |
出生年月:1988年1月 |
祖籍:湖北五峰人 |
职称:特任副教授、硕士生导师 |
联系方式:chenzw@cug.edu.cn |
办公地点:中国地质大学(武汉)东区原行政楼523室 |
1.Chen Zongwu, Gong Zhenlong, Jiao Yuyong, Wang Yi, Shi Kui, Wu Jianchao. Moisture stability improvement of asphalt mixture considering the surface characteristics of steel slag coarse aggregate. Construction and Building Materials 2020, 251, 118987.
2.Chen Zongwu, Jiao Yuyong, Wu Shaopeng, Tu Fubin. Moisture-induced damage resistance of asphalt mixture entirely composed of gneiss and steel slag. Construction and Building Materials 2018, 177, 332-341.
3.Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng, Xiao Yue, Zeng Wenbo, Yi Mingwei, Wan Jiuming. Effect of hydration and silicone resin on Basic Oxygen Furnace slag and its asphalt mixture. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112, 392-400.
4.Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng, Xiao Yue, Zhao Meiling, Xie Jun. Feasibility study of BOF slag containing honeycomb particles in asphalt mixture. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 124, 550-557.
5.Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng, Pang Ling, Xie Jun. Function investigation of stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixture partly containing basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag. Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials, 2016, 14(Suppl 1): S68-S72.
6.Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng, Wen Jin, Zhao Meiling, Yi Mingwei, Wan Jiuming. Utilization of gneiss coarse aggregate and steel slag fine aggregate in asphalt mixture. Construction and Building Materials 2015, 93, 911-918.
7.Chen Zongwu, Xie Jun, Xiao Yue, Chen Juyong, Wu Shaopeng. Characteristics of bonding behavior between basic oxygen furnace slag and asphalt binder. Construction and Building Materials 2014, 64, 60-66.
8.Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng, Li Fuzhou, Chen Juyong, Qin Zhehuan, Pang Ling. Recycling of Flue Gas Desulfurization residues in gneiss based hot mix asphalt: Materials characterization and performances evaluation. Construction and Building Materials 2014, 73, 137-144.
9.Chen Zongwu, Xiao Yue, Pang Ling, Zeng Wenbo, Wu Shaopeng. Experimental assessment of Flue Gas Desulfurization residues and Basic Oxygen Furnace slag on fatigue and moisture resistance of HMA. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2014, 37(11), 1242-1253.
10.Chen Zongwu, Wang Peng, Zhou Xinxing, Wu Shaopeng. Effect of Portland cement on moisture resistance of gneiss based HMA. Key Engineering Materials, 2014, 599, 120-124.
11.Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng, Xie Jun, Chen Juyong. Research on the permanent deformation behavior of asphalt mixture with Basic Oxygen Furnace slag. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 689, 304-308.
12.Cui Peide, Xiao Yue*, Fang Mingjing, Chen Zongwu*, Yi Mingwei, Li Mingliang. Residual fatigue properties of asphalt pavement after long-term field service. Materials 2018, 11(6).
13.Zhao Meiling, Wu Shaopeng, Chen Zongwu*, Li Chao. Production and application of steel slag coarse aggregate in asphalt mixture. Emerging Materials Research, 2017, 6(1), 219-222.
14.Zhao Meiling, Wu Shaopeng, Chen Zongwu*, Li Chao. Function evaluation of asphalt mixture with industrially produced BOF slag aggregate. Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials, 2016, 14 (Suppl1): S7-S10.
15.Tu Fubin, Jiao Yuyong, Chen Zongwu, Zou Junpeng, Zhao Zhiye. Stress continuity in DEM-FEM multiscale coupling based on the generalized bridging domain method. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2020, 83, 220-236.
16.Wang Feng, Xiao Yue, Cui Peide, Lin Juntao, Li Mingliang, Chen Zongwu. Correlation of asphalt performance indicators and aging Degrees: A review. Construction and Building Materials 2020, 250, 118824.
17.Li Chao, Wu Shaopeng, Shu Benan, Li Yuanyuan, Chen Zongwu. Microwave absorption and anti-aging properties of modified bitumen contained SiC attached layered double hydroxides. Construction and Building Materials 2019, 227, 116714.
18.Li Chao, Wu Shaopeng, Chen Zongwu, Shu Benan, Li Yuanyuan, Xiao Yue, Liu Quantao. Synthesis of Fe3O4-decorated Mg-Al layered double hydroxides magnetic nanosheets to improve anti-ultraviolet aging and microwave absorption properties used in asphalt materials. Construction and Building Materials 2019, 220, 320-328.
19.Zeng Wenbo, Wu Shaopeng, Pang Ling, Chen Haohao, Hu Jinxuan, Sun Yihan, Chen Zongwu. Research on Ultra Violet (UV) aging depth of asphalts. Construction and Building Materials 2018, 160, 620-627.
20.Wan Jiuming, Wu Shaopeng, Xiao Yue, Chen Zongwu, Zhang Dong. Study on the effective composition of steel slag for asphalt mixture induction heating purpose. Construction and Building Materials 2018, 178, 542-550.
21.Li Chao, Wu Shaopeng, Chen Zongwu, Tao Guanyu, Xiao Yue. Improved microwave heating and healing properties of bitumen by using nanometer microwave-absorbers. Construction and Building Materials 2018, 189, 757-767.
22.Li Chao, Wu Shaopeng, Chen Zongwu, Tao Guanyu, Xiao Yue. Enhanced heat release and self-healing properties of steel slag filler based asphalt materials under microwave irradiation. Construction and Building Materials 2018, 193, 32-41.
23.Wu Shaopeng, Zhao Zhijie, Xiao Yue, Yi Mingwei, Chen Zongwu, Li Mingliang. Evaluation of mechanical properties and aging index of 10-year field aged asphalt materials. Construction and Building Materials 2017, 155, 1158-1167.
24.Sun Yihan, Wu Shaopeng, Liu Quantao, Zeng Wenbo, Chen Zongwu, Ye Qunshan, Pan Pan. Self-healing performance of asphalt mixtures through heating fibers or aggregate. Construction and Building Materials 2017, 150, 673-680.
25.Li Chao, Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng, Li Bo, Xie Jun, Xiao Yue. Effects of steel slag fillers on the rheological properties of asphalt mastic. Construction and Building Materials 2017, 145, 383-391.
26.Li Chao, Xiao Yue, Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng. Crack resistance of asphalt mixture with steel slag powder. Emerging Materials Research, 2017, 6(1), 214-218.
27.Zeng Wenbo, Wu Shaopeng, Xiao Yue, Chen Zongwu, Sun Yihan. Low temperature properties of UV aged asphalts containing layered double hydroxides modifier. Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials 2016, 14 (Suppl1), S73-S76.
28.Zeng Wenbo, Wu Shaopeng, Wen Jin, Chen Zongwu. The temperature effects in aging index of asphalt during UV aging process. Construction and Building Materials 2015, 93, 1125-1131.
29.Xie Jun, Chen Zongwu, Wu Shaopeng, Pang Ling. Implementation of modified pull-off test by UTM to investigate bonding characteristics of bitumen and basic oxygen furnace slag (BOF). Construction and Building Materials 2014, 57, 61-68.
30.Pang Ling, Liu Kuangyi, Wu Shaopeng, Lei Min, Chen Zongwu. Effect of LDHs on the aging resistance of crumb rubber modified asphalt. Construction and Building Materials 2014, 67, 239-243.
31.Xie Jun, Wu Shaopeng, Lin Juntao, Cai Jun, Chen Zongwu, Wei Wei. Recycling of basic oxygen furnace slag in asphalt mixture: Material characterization & moisture damage investigation. Construction and Building Materials 2021, 36, 467-474.
32.Qiu Liujingzi, Chen Zongwu, Wang Meng, Zeng Wenbo. Effect of Aggregate Morphological Characteristics on the High-temperature Performance of steel slag based HMA. Key Engineering Materials, 2014, 599, 19-22.
34.李超, 陈宗武, 谢君, 吴少鹏, 肖月.钢渣沥青混凝土技术及其应用研究进展.材料导报, 2017, 31(02), 86-95+122.
1.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金:基于微观表面自修饰的沥青混凝土用钢渣集料性能调控研究(51808517), 2019.01-2021.12, 主持.
2.“香江学者”国际交流计划项目:基于再生废弃物的新型绿色智慧路面材料(XJ2019041), 2020.01-2021.12, 主持(合作导师:香港理工大学 冷真).
3.湖北省青年科技“晨光计划”项目:多元固体废弃物在道路材料领域的协同再生, 2020.01-2020.12, 主持.
4.硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室(武汉理工大学)开放基金:考虑钢渣集料表面特征的沥青混凝土长寿化和生态化研究(SYSJJ2019-19), 2019.01-2020.12, 主持.
5.道路结构与材料交通运输行业重点实验室(长沙理工大学)开放基金:考虑钙基矿物自转变行为的钢渣集料性能调控技术及其在沥青混凝土中的适用性研究(kfj190302), 2019.12-2021.11, 主持.
6.道路结构与材料交通运输行业重点实验室(交通运输部公路科学研究所)开放基金:基于钢渣集料碳化反应的沥青混凝土性能提升技术及其全寿命周期评价(S282019124), 2019.11-2021.10, 主持.
7.地质探测与评估教育部重点实验室〔中国地质大学(武汉)〕主任基金:地下军用机场固废基道面材料的长寿化和生态化研究(GLAB2019ZR01), 2019.06-2021.05, 主持.
8.力学基础课教学改革项目〔中国地质大学(武汉)〕:互动式教学大纲在《材料力学》教学改革中的应用(2019A11), 2019.06-2021.05, 主持.
9.企业委托横向科研项目:基于养护巡检系统的鄂西片区道路年检数据分析, 2019.07-2019.12, 主持.
10.中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目:多孔钢渣对沥青混凝土热学特征及耐久性的影响机制研究(CUG170685), 2017.07-2020.06, 主持.
11.中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目:改性钢渣集料再生沥青混凝土热行为、性能及环境影响研究(WUT2016-YB-002), 2016.06-2017.06, 主持.
12.中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目:基于碳化/硅树脂复合改性技术制备低成本、低膨胀效应及环境友好型全尺度钢渣沥青混凝土(WUT2015-ZY-010), 2015.01-2015.12,主持.
13.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目: 路面预养护再生剂在老化沥青混合料中纳米级梯度扩散规律研究(51408447), 2015.01-2017.12, 主要参与人.
14.国家“863计划”课题: 多元复合胶凝材料全生命周期设计制备关键技术(2013AA031602), 2013.01-2015.12, 主要参与人.
1. 国家级大学生创新训练项目:
# 冯娜敏, 胡菲, 杨爱贞. 钢铁渣在沥青混凝土中的协同利用关键技术研究(202010491075), 2020.07-2021.06.
# 董一丹, 蒙祚华, 赵宁. 基于界面增强技术的钢渣沥青混凝土抗水损害性能改善研究(202010491029), 2020.07-2021.06.
# 张阳, 殷金周, 何学斌. 水侵蚀环境下脱硫灰理化特征对沥青混凝土性能的影响机制研究(201910491088), 2019.04-2021.03.
# 王艺, 钟彤, 张沁晟. 钢渣在沥青混凝土中的全粒径应用关键技术研究(201910491092), 2019.04-2021.03.
2. 教学实验室〔中国地质大学(武汉)〕开放基金:
# 巩振龙, 汪君, 李海. 基于CT扫描技术的沥青混凝土内部冻融破坏机理研究(SKJ2018104), 2018-2019学年度
# 吴建超, 王艺, 钟彤. 基于多功能材料力学试验机的集料-沥青粘结强度测定装置(SKJ2019124), 2019-2020学年度
3. 科技报告会〔中国地质大学(武汉)〕:
# 王艺, 钟彤, 张沁晟. 低品位资源为全部矿质原材料的沥青混凝土抗水损害性能研究, 2019年秋季, 校级特等奖.
# 张阳, 殷金周, 何学斌. 烟气脱硫灰对沥青混凝土抗水损害性能的影响研究, 2019年秋季, 校级三等奖.